Wednesday, May 23, 2012


“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain”…..anonymous

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge, that myth is more potent than history, and that dreams are more powerful than facts. I believe that hope always triumphs over experience, laughter is the only cure for grief, and love is stronger than death…. I do not believe life is a puzzle to be solved. Life is. Anything might happen; and I believe I may invest my life with meaning. The uncertainty is a blessing in disguise. If I were absolutely certain about all things, I would spend my life in anxious misery, fearful of losing my way; but since everything and anything are always possible, the miraculous is always nearby and wonders shall never ever cease”…..Robert Fulghum

I encountered the first quote above while waiting to pay for the purchase of a novel I recently discovered to have been written by the author of those words cited below the first. He has known many occupations in his lifetime, a Unitarian minister for awhile and the list too long for me to continue it here. There is little doubt that his theological views would probably clash with mine if we ever sat down to discuss “Thus sayeth the Bible”. Indeed, if one takes a second look at his credo, there is no mention of deity, just a declaration concerning a belief in his own merits, God perhaps there in the shadows, but unnamed in so far as possessing any specific identity. Still, I enjoy the wit he exhibits in his writing as he shares moments and events that have come his way; and I agree with much of what he says here about a man’s existence. Conversation between us wouldn’t have to involve warfare. In the Old Testament, Amos brought forth the question: “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” That depends, it seems to me, on whether the journey is purposed on that very issue that separates them. Friendship, common courtesy, and a simple wish to enjoy each other’s company, though, might just be enough for two old men to exchange thoughts without battling over mindsets…..


  1. This is what I admire about you, your willingness to be open to others who might be a bit different from you, the ability to think about just enjoying another's company without "battling over mindsets."

  2. Annie: Wednesday evening Bible study was a time of sharing opposite views and allowing God to "connect the dots". We spoke in class of how "iron sharpeneth iron" and how good it is to so talk things over, then walk away with perhaps a wider perspective on the subject discussed. Still friends. Still knowing we don't know it all. Still in pursuit of the One who, alone, is truth.
