Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Well Water..............."

The nearby creek was reduced to no more than individual, shallow pools, a small trickle of water flowing over bedrock connecting them and eliminating stagnancy. A thick, heavy blanket of heat was over everything, temperatures in the mid-nineties and predicted to stay that way for at least a week or so. I was driving out to the church with the intention to accomplish my three-mile walk on the running track in an air-condition gymnasium, but with no plans other than that for the rest of the day. Tomorrow there’s a six-hour refresher class on my schedule, a yearly mandate for we who work in Special-Ed, a lesson on defensive techniques designed to protect both ourselves and the child should anger issues arise. Six weeks yet remain before school officially starts, however, and with all that time, for the most part, just space to occupy, nothing penciled in calendar-wise, it is easy to slip into a mundane existence, eat, sleep, read a book, take a nap, eat, and sleep some more. Purpose is found in a connection with Him. Without it, boredom sets in… The service this past Sunday evening was rote, more exuberance than Holy Ghost in our midst; and I say that with no wish to suggest someone or something was at fault for a lack of our catching the hem of His garment. We come together; we worship; but a manifestation of His presence remains a blessing He gives, not an encounter we, ourselves, create. If Psalm 22:3 would seem to suggest a God who inhabits the praise of His people, let it be noted here that whatsoever worship we would offer must originate out of a surrendered spirit. All too often, humanity being humanity, what we as a congregation, bring to the table is no more than fatigue, and a tendency to “operate on auto-pilot”. If contact occurs, it is but His grace tugging on the anchor-line, His rod and staff bringing us back to center, not some sacrifice on our part. Mercy aligns us. Humility unlocks the door….

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