Monday, January 30, 2012


Even beyond doctrinal dogma, there is much within Christianity overall that separates believers. Tradition and ritual is different to each denominational body. Linguistic terms sometimes do not cross boundary lines and can be easily misunderstood by those in the pew who are not that deep into their own group’s credo, let alone that which the other fellow embraces. Nonetheless, there are two points of reality common to everyone within the faith. The first, our “humanity”, owns each of us whether we wish to claim it or not. The Book tells us that “there is none righteous; no, not one” and we prove that to be so almost no more than our feet hit the floor on any given day. It matters not the congregation, the only time you’ll find unity within it, a “oneness” that is more than just harmonious agreement, is when an overt manifestation of His presence in the sanctuary brings those there into one accord with His mind, His will, His momentary direction. Of course, such event is found only in as much as each is willing to step into the flow as it comes forth, and the manner in which it takes place may well vary, but Jesus, Himself, resurrected in our midst via the Holy Ghost, is the second portion that we, the Church, share. He is the tie that binds. Indeed, if all that holds us together otherwise is a mutual fellowship wherein we gather and maintain attendance, what is it that we really possess?... The last few months have been a struggle, for my grandson, for his parents, for our family as a whole. We have found little or no support from the people with whom we worship concerning a serious matter that would seemingly evoke some sort of response, a bit of “we’re with you in this” from somebody. Then, Sunday evening, in the middle of song service, the Spirit began to move upon our youth and I watched as the boy folded up as if someone had stomach punched him, God’s presence coming up out of his belly, divinity overtaking him much as if he was being hugged by holy arms. Tears ran down his face. Tongues poured from his lips. His cousins, his mother, and others embraced it with him; and, for a while, there was no “program”, no agenda but the church, as a whole, allowing Him to have His way in ministering to those in need. Theology has its place, to be sure. Without “life”, though, it tends to lose something along the way……

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