Saturday, January 21, 2012


“Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His word”…The old hymn simply spilled out of me Thursday morning as I knelt to pray before leaving for school. I led the men at the rescue mission in singing it the night before, but this wasn’t merely a matter of the tune yet running through my mind. This was more like a connecting flow suddenly coming up out of my belly, the lyrics taking me into His presence, tears filling my eyes and bringing me almost to the point of tongues. It is the way such union has always come to me and it matters not the setting. What counts is only the attitude of my heart and my mind, whether they are willing to surrender unto His presence as He comes forth. Indeed, that alone is probably the only condition separating an individual encounter and a saturated sanctuary. People have to receive; and humanity is a mixed bag of morphing moods, opposite opinions, and thick-headed theologies. It’s challenge enough to bring us together in a denominational scenario. Standing before a group whose thinking is pre-set in Islam, atheism, sixteen different brands of Biblical indoctrination, and several strands of independent determination requires more than any one man, on his own, can muster in so far as achieving oneness in Him. You pray. You share. You trust in His Spirit going where you cannot. Worship remains each man’s choice……

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