Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Old age has its moments. The last few days they seem to popping up more frequently. Monday afternoon my oldest daughter baked another batch of lasagna for Beth’s oldest brother who was just recently given a diagnosis of terminal cancer, actually a rather aggressive form of leukemia. His wife is not in good health either and the family is doing what we can to “be there” for them. In carrying the dish out to my car, however, I made the neighbor’s two dogs happy. Holding the hot, disposable, aluminum container securely on both ends and reaching to open the door with my pinky finger, I could only watch as the pan buckled to spill at least half the meal in the gravel driveway. Brenda just laughed. I felt stupid. A trip to WalMart to purchase more supplies for a second effort eventually did provide them with supper, but this old man seems to be “losing it” more and more as he goes. Sometimes I wonder… Monday evening, after being in the midst of that awesome move of the Spirit on Sunday, I opted to attend the weekly prayer meeting out at the church. It’s been nearly a decade since my last desire to participate in such an event, my lack of interest evolving out of what seemed to be an ever-growing tendency to encounter there what I’ve long labeled “that name-it-and-claim-it folk”. It got to a place where just about everybody there had a prophetic revelation to give you, an authoritative bit of Biblical chapter and verse wherein prosperity was promised and the devil was put under your feet. Evidently somebody has found some sense during my absence, though, for, on this occasion at least, what met me within the sanctuary was worship the way I remember knowing it in the beginning; or it could well be, of course, just another case of my senility having “dropped the ball”, throwing the baby out with the bath water and missing a lot of good fellowship in the Holy Ghost along the way. You live. You learn. You take the next step and then do it again……


  1. I think I know why God says 'three score and ten' There must be an autodestruct button. Or else we optimists keep thinking we have plenty of time until we get to 70. I am starting to feel pretty drifty lately.

  2. I told my wife the other day that more and more I am made aware of my slipping into an "old man's shuffle" and gave remark yesterday to a co-worker that I find myself lately going up the walkway to my frontdoor every afternoon like an old slug. Inside, youth remains. Outside, the carcus has a hard time keeping up.....
