Friday, January 25, 2013


Our Wednesday evening class began with a mention of the “revolving door”, a term coined that reflects the truth of people leaving many churches through the back entrance as fast as others are arriving through the front one. If such intro tied into the subject we addressed afterwards, though, I must have missed the bridge. In truth, our teacher warned us from the start of having learned long ago the need for a “common frame of reference”, the lack of which leading all too often to misunderstanding between individuals in a discussion. He had even utilized at least ten minutes reading various New Testament verses in an attempt to provide us with such aid. Somehow this old man, however, failed to connect with him on the idea of a believer’s “spirituality” equating to being “led by the Spirit” only if the one leading him or her was actually the Holy Ghost. Looking back, it was, no doubt, a matter of faulty communication on my part, as I recall, my exact words possibly suggesting we achieve such state merely in those moments when His presence merges with us, working through us in some manner. Sitting here now and rehashing our dialogue, I can see where that might sound as if the event has to always be some deep experience, the indwelling overtly manifested to the point that all there know He is among us. That’s not quite the picture intended. The incident, itself, nonetheless, does seem to illustrate the condition. Whether the path before us involves others or not, it’s just too easy to think ourselves following His will; and, yet, what really drives us is nothing more than our own determination. When it was obvious that we were not focused from the same perspective, rather than zealously plowing ahead full steam with a wish to enlighten him concerning my view, I opted to surrender to the authority of his position. Whether that makes either of us “spiritual” or not is debatable, but it did result in an enjoyable hour and a half of fellowship, everybody leaving at the end with a desire to return again next week……

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