Wednesday, September 11, 2013


When September eleventh became ate forever burned into America’s memory, I was working the day shift at the ramp, directing the railroad crew in assembling our most important train and overseeing all the necessary administrative computer input concerning billing. While everybody else in the office was able to watch the tragedy unfold, indeed glued to the television set that suddenly appeared in our midst, this fellow had little choice but to attend to the task before him. Details came in snatches, a momentary glance now and then as someone would gasp or cry in horror, conversation otherwise at a minimum, it being too much for the mind to put into words. Whether such forced detachment is responsible for how I’ve always viewed the attack, I know not; but, in truth, it was never considered in my mind as Muslim oriented, the terrorists no different to me than McVeigh bombing the Federal Building in Oklahoma. If religion was involved, surely it was a misguided faith, a warped mass rather than one individual, but no less an insanity in either commission; and, in realizing that, it gives me much concern to learn Islam is growing in this country faster than Christianity, already outnumbering several denominations. Can we trust such change if it enters into our politics enough to eventually control our government, conquering us in D.C. without a shot, no weaponry whatsoever other than the ballot box? Far out? Maybe; but not so much that it couldn’t happen and who’s to say it’s not the very thing needed to awaken the Church at large, persecution having served it well in the beginning. Food for thought to those who have ears to hear……

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