Sunday, February 12, 2012


The Earth spins as it traverses its assigned, nearly circular course around the sun; and man arises each day going forth in much the same manner, some of us, perhaps, not so dizzy as others, but most of us, I think, not all that concerned with His hand upon the whole affair. The wonder of it all is beyond us. Our routine has us held in its grip and it’s just “life as usual”… The clerk behind the counter at McDonald’s this morning was a young teenage girl, pleasant enough, but obviously not quite yet out of bed. She was in no hurry whatsoever, her eyelids heavy and her manner letting you know that, while she appreciated the job, she was bored in fulfilling it. Her partner, working the window, was just as enthused. Serving me a senior coffee and a couple of those two-for-a-dollar hot apple pies no doubt wasn’t anything to get excited about, of course; but, then again, a smile and a bit of dialogue couldn’t hurt. It might, in fact, just be good for business… Beth slept in this morning, the sixteen degree temperature outside convincing her that leaving the present warmth afforded her beneath those blankets wasn’t really worth the effort. I chose me a seat in the rear of the sanctuary, shaking a few hands while walking over to it, but there for worship and not so much for fellowship. Looking around, though, as the song ministers up front began their attempt to bring us, as a body, into a unified spirit, I was struck by the hodge-podge of responses given to the music being brought forth. Even with the words boldly proclaimed on two larger computer screens before them, it was evident that many had other things on their mind at the moment. I do not judge. I simply find it humanity as it is. If the melody isn’t in your heart, thoughts turn elsewhere; it’s merely “church as usual”. I’ve been there too often myself. A program is but a program until He makes it an encounter……

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