Monday, March 5, 2012

"In the Midst of the Storm.............."

Northern Kentucky was but one of several places across this country where tornadoes struck this past Friday leaving behind death and devastation. A small rural community about five miles south of us was pretty well just wiped off the map while my wife and I were sheltered with others on the lower level of a local mall. Tragedy, for us, came, instead, in the wee hours after midnight, at exactly three-sixteen a.m. Sunday morning. We were expecting it, family members having been called to be there with her oldest brother during what appeared to be his final moments with us. Nonetheless, parting is never void of sorrow, the separation sealed and the heart left with only memories. It was nearly dawn when the two of us returned home. Our day has been phone-calls, cat-naps, and much like “being in limbo”. Rather than going to church, I sat down this evening and pulled up the computer broadcast of our service, worship already underway and the song coming forth immediately connecting with my spirit, its lyrics relating all that the blood of Christ brings unto us. For a few moments the flow made all of us one. Theology mattered not. There was no need of any real understanding of one’s faith. It didn’t require a Biblical PHD to step into His presence and be humbled by all that He is. Yet therein, it seems to me, is the key ingredient to this mystery, whether the emphasis is on our praise or practice of what we profess to believe. I told my sister-in-law recently Saturday evening that it isn’t about us creating God out of the Book, but rather the other way around. In either situation, are we willing to yield ourselves unto His grace, His rod and staff……

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