Thursday, March 1, 2012


Wednesday evening Bible class ended with a bit of disagreement, nothing involving a need to physically separate anybody, the issue contested not being pursued any farther than by a few who noted their reluctancy to accept a statement made by this old man. In short, I saw no reason to attempt a forceful demand for them to adapt their theology toward mine, whether or not they believe Jesus to have been the first to be “born-again” in no way affecting their faith in Christ. To each their own. We all come unto Him via different paths and will one day kneel before Him individually. To my own way of thinking, however, without this specific piece of the puzzle, one is reduced to possessing no more than a “disconnected story” held together by one’s willingness to believe. Sin becomes what we do or don’t do, instead of who and what we are; and salvation tends to be maintained out of our own religious convictions, rather than confirmed by a reality. Until we can see the Holy Ghost as that which was divinely introduced into Adam in the Garden, then adamantly rejected by him out of his love for the woman, until we likewise find Jesus conceived by the Holy Ghost, knowing God’s original “plan for man” all the way from His birth unto His crucifixion at Golgotha and then momentarily losing it to take our walk into hell, we are left with riddled explanations of the Gospel, doctrinal dogma that divides us and often makes little sense. In the depths of darkness, the Father confirmed that bond with His Son and, in doing so, made it possible for us to be re-connected as well. I find that, not only Scriptural, but also a vital fact that opens the door to better understanding of other mysteries brought to us by the Word. Burn me if you wish; but it’s where I am after nearly forty years of following Him down the path……

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