Saturday, June 2, 2012


With my sister having, at one time, attended a Unitarian church, I’ve read enough about what they believe to have come to the opinion that they believe just about anything and everything. Most of those within Christianity, therefore, having doctrinal tenets that define them as a denomination of such faith, would probably consider this particular bunch a cult. Robert Fulghum, if he hasn’t left the premises somewhere along the way, served as a pastor to at least a couple of their assemblies for nearly twenty years. One gathers from his books that he, indeed, holds to an idea of there being a Divinity. It would be hard, though, to frame his perception within any Bible-based sanctuary. He seems to build what religion he possesses, such as it is, on a foundation of the Creator, whoever or whatever that is, having “put” Himself into our humanity and thereby eternally existing within the everyday moments of who and what we are. In this present work of his that I’m reading, the ritual of “Communion” is defined by the author as a celebration of the Body’s common concerns, needs, and principles which bind them together as an extended family. He speaks of them understanding, at times, why they gather, how now and then they are willing to even talk about the event with each other; and then suggests that the real reason that they keep showing up on a regular basis is “because there is more of something here than anyplace else for us.” When he goes on, however, to say that the sanctuary is made holy ground because of what they, as a people, “do and say and are” there, I feel he has left important data out of his sermon. If the Scarlet Thread is not a part of that flow we find within the temple, then are we not reduced to a worship of nothing more than ourselves? It is good that we should “connect”, but the tie that binds and makes us one ought to be the truth of a resurrected Savior alive and well in our midst……

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