Wednesday, June 27, 2012


From my balcony this morning there is hope of sunshine. The strong winds have, for the most part, ceased; and, while the sky above me is still overcast, yet the horizon brings to me a defined point where the clouds cease. A distant blue ceiling over the sea grows larger and larger as the gray mass slowly drifts to the east. It is the lone pelican, though, with its wings outstretched and drifting by in such unruffled manner, that takes my thoughts into familiar territory. “Why,” I wonder, “is it so hard for men to at least recognize the existence of a Creator?” Forget the whole theory of evolution, the hypothesis of how long the Earth has been here, and the mind-boggling enigma of this universe within which we are contained. It takes nothing more than the lush green foliage around me to make a convincing argument for God. No brain. No “intelligence” at all. In its design, however, is an abundance of evidence, distinct characteristics that clearly point to, not just “poof!”, up popped a mutated copy of something else, but clearly an artistic mind imprinting itself in ferns and ivy, palm trees and pine, delicate orange blossoms, too much to even try to list here. Surely it is not a question of His being, as much as it is “how can I connect and know Him in as much as it might be possible?” A man needs ears that hear and eyes that see; and this is just what Christ extends unto us via the Holy Spirit: not a “get out of hell free” pass issued to all those with their name on some church roster, but an individual, personal “anchor-line” whereby a man might touch the hem of His garment. It’s a glimpse, not a complete understanding, a step into the light without any ability to harness any revelation given. Even so, I find, within it, peace and assurance for my soul……

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