Thursday, June 14, 2012

"Tick, Tock................."

Life, in reference to the Fourth Dimension, is an illusion, a measurement unrestrictive to an eternal God and, for all our attempts to capture it in definitive amounts, nothing more than a continual dance we humans encounter as we go. It all depends on our perspective as to whether any particular slice of our existence be deemed short or long. Five years can seem like forever if we’re talking about some future event yet to come; but, in looking back ten, or even twenty, it often feels like only yesterday. Where did it go?... In class, last night, we talked of how Mark, in his Gospel, so frequently spoke in terms of everything happening “right now”, consistently utilizing words such as “immediately” and “straightway”. While one might well reason the first term meant to emphasize the authority given unto Jesus and the second merely a matter of the author’s youth overflowing into his narrative, our teacher asked us to consider the pace that we maintain in our own personal journey and then pointed to the example set forth in Scripture of Christ’s need, again and again, to slip away to some isolated, quiet place and pray. Always “in touch” with His Father and yet finding “affirmed connection” to be a vital part of His renewal, refreshing, and reassurance, the Son, Himself, shows us the way. Indeed, for me, anything less is just theology. Our minds are incapable of containing the Creator in any manner other than an understanding reached through chapter and verse, the message as it has been delivered unto us from the pulpit, and the lessons learned in a step-by-step experience. Who is God? He is that which flooded my soul more than four decades ago, washing me clean and leaving me no doubt of a bond having been established between us. He is a reality that, in becoming one with me as I lay in bed one evening, overflowed the physical vessel and convinced me of eternity. Again and again, if not always in such magnitude, as deeply nonetheless, from “up out of my belly” He has proven Himself faithful in His patience with this old man. My walk, therefore, is one of pursuit, a never-ending matter of “returning to the well”. Time, in any sense one might want to look at it, in truth comes down to this moment, today, and forever……

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