Thursday, June 7, 2012


Wednesday evening’s Bible class had nearly twenty of us in the room, the teacher taking us into the first chapter of Mark’s Gospel. Actually, his prologue, concerning the history and identity of the author in as much as theologians believe him to be, somehow opened up discussion on “taking the good news” unto others and it would be an hour before we finally gave the last thirty minutes to chapter and verse. At one point early on, though, there was mention made of a nearby “witness” located at a rural intersection, a fellow having painted the whole side of his barn with a message for all who pass by to read. The words are familiar, nothing original, just a bit provocative to those who build cement doctrinal temples out of the Word. “All Roads Lead To God”, after all, does hit a nerve when the Book clearly Jesus as the only true path; and, yet, if one would but stop to think, Scripture also indicates that all men will some day stand in judgment. Doesn’t that tend to extend at least some element of truth to such statement? Rather than argument, better, I think, to ask those who quote it what happens when we get there before His throne. What credentials will any of us possess in so far as entering through the Pearly Gates? Personally, I see no sense in going to battle with others over what rests in His hands at some future date. Let’s talk about “now”, about a risen Savior who lives within and goes with us in the next step! Let’s talk about the reality of Him being a restored connection wherein we might know our Creator in a tangible experience! Assurance of what happens tomorrow is found through a faith He brings to me today……

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