Monday, August 25, 2014


After being assured that the latest “up-to-date” schedule was now in my possession, I drove to the Youth Detention Center with three others Sunday morning only to discover another church group already there waiting for their special speaker from the Cincinnati Bengals to arrive. We conceded, seeing as how it was a little too late to cancel their intentions; but a phone-call early today revealed that it was indeed they who missed the memo and another would, with no hard feelings between either of us, get us their spot this coming week-end. Miscommunication. Last minute changes from those in charge. Humanity in general to blame for but one more miscue in the state of affairs with this particular program. Take whatever, government, education, and yes, even church, insert man with all his potential for error, and what one gets is better understanding of the Bible verse “It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” just gets multiplied when there are greater numbers of us involved in anything. For that matter, at least so far as my last item on the above list, it seems to me that “organization’ isn’t all that’s susceptible to our “faulty wiring”. In our religious pursuit of Christ, just like those of old, if we aren’t chasing the celebrity, the commotion and the noise, the “fishes and the loaves”, we go off the deep end on the other side of the fence, reassuring ourselves of our righteousness through ritual, works, and commitment to doctrinal totem poles. I like what one pastor recently preached: “If you’ve got the anointing, you don’t need to push it!” By the same token, however, if Christ really be “in” you, then surely the invitation has been there from the beginning to “explore the deep”. Indeed, in the middle of all the mess, what the believer has to maintain balance, correct his course, and breathe in the Gospel in its simplest form: the Holy Ghost, peace in me.

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