Monday, August 15, 2011


Sunday, for me, was just the last day before another nine month ride through the school year, a day punctuated on either end with a church service and, sandwiched in-between, a few lazy hours wherein the recliner occupied most of my time. Morning worship was “upbeat” and failed, in my opinion, to “find the flow”. Evening, from beginning to end, was simply a matter of fellowship. If Christ was in our midst, this old man missed such revelation, only the glow of an “inner connection” shining through the early preacher’s eyes as he delivered his sermon giving me any hope that we might corporately touch the hem of His garment… Surely it is what we, as individuals, not just bring with us to any meeting, but also invest into it, that determines our experience there as a whole. While there is much to be said for the truth that God, Himself, moves as He sees fit, His wisdom and His love governing any manifestation that comes forth, there is, however, as well, the need for a congregation to surrender themselves unto each other in a unified bond with Him as the Spirit directs. Stir in a hunger for and an expectancy of a Reality to be encountered. Abandon all efforts to manufacture it on your own. Somewhere in the mixture, here and there, heaven and earth meet; and when it does, just relax and fall into His well……

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