Friday, July 6, 2012


I just finished Robert Fulghum’s “Third Wish”, two thick volumes holding a fictional tale that concerns itself with the lives of three people in particular, all looking for meaning in their life. Nowhere within the story is there any mention of anyone actually turning their thoughts toward the possibility of a Creator. Rather, the plot seems to continually suggest purpose is found in an honest relationship with others and, strangely, in the final chapter the reader suddenly discovers that the author has seemingly injected himself into the book, all former characters no more than reflections of his imagination, each created in an alter-image of himself, and he now this writer who is dealing with his own persona, his own hang-ups and theoretical ways of looking at things. It was an interesting perusal. There is much within that speaks truth in so far as human character, the world around us, and the journey we take within it. Yet, in dealing with that need in the depths of who we are for fellowship, for affirmative witness, and that not so much an assurance of our correctness, but a confirming of our worth in spite of our imperfections, Fulghum makes no mention of any sort of Spiritual connection, ignoring, even though he once held the position of pastor within the Unitarian Church, the possibility of what actually calls to us in our stumble down the path being the voice of God. “Love thy neighbor as thyself” (which also, by the way, includes the admonishment for us to love our enemies) may well carry its own reward; but it is best fueled by the commandment which precedes it. Without the knowledge of Christ “in” me, a revealed ratification of Divinity having accepted me as I am, it’s awfully hard to give grace to others if you haven’t found it for yourself……

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